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Collin-singing partner
Yin Lei
Funny gal
Jiang Jin
Gary Cao Ge


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Monday, April 21, 2008
7:22 PM

how i wish i was this musically talented when i young.


Thursday, April 17, 2008
7:26 PM

i dont think i will touch wantons for a couple of weeks from now. for the fact that i just ate tons of wantons for dinner just now! i think ard.. 20? i have no idea why aunt cooked so much wantons!! and there's only me, my cousin and my aunt herself.
i wanted to leave the dinner table alrd and she said
"cmon.. eat more. best is to finish everything"
so i just obediently kept on eating.. and plus 2 cheese hotdogs. my god.
my stomach i think grew by another 2cm la. look like a big wanton by itself alrd.

today was really a long day.
afternoon 2 long cases. crown cases.. tt's why.
and doory asked if crowning means putting jewels and diamonds on e teeth.

ahhh. my tummy's crackin up.

Monday, April 14, 2008
7:49 PM

this week is going to be REAL slack. relatively la. cos both mdms are not here! haha. can take our time and do our things, and hope that there wont be too many walk-ins. wahahaha! tt's how lazy we are! cmon. even the DOs are supporting our thinking. lol
my thraot ache is back! and it makes swollowing even harder. let alone drinking water. it feels as if smth is stuck there. i guess it's a lil swollen now. if this persist, gotta see the doc. dn wanna risk it especially the semis are coming.
and talkin abt the semis, i haven bought my clothes and shoes!! (and again, im not gg to leave out the fact that army pay suck.) my god. wad am i suppose to do man. and another thing is that i need an image consultant seriously. hahaha. really la! im not very gd in dressing up. so i need ideas.
pls feel free to tell me ppl!!

And ya, regarding my last post, i know it's kinda washing dirty linens in public. i mean, who doesnt have their own probs in their family. everybody does, it's just a matter of how to face up to it. i only poured it all out becos i felt reallu cooped up inside. but everything's stable now. but it doesn't mean it's fine. yea
but right now, i just wanna live my own life.

Monday, April 07, 2008
8:14 PM

what is wrong with me? i wish i knew. it's like, i have been staying in this house for so long. i cant say that nth has changed for the better. it has, to a certain extent. They say lighting never strikes twice. But in my case it does. as a matter of fact, 2 3 4 5 ... times! i can never understand them. they cant never understand me. it's not that i dont try to communicate. but it's that they never wanna recipocrate.
i swore i talked nicely to them..but wad did i get?
cold and irritated replies. i admit they are not always like that. but just sometimes, they will treat as if im not there.
yes.. i got a bad temper. but it has become better over the years.
and many times i told mum that i wanna move out. but she asked me to tahan. how long am i going to tahan?
i dn wanna go back to a place which i cant call home anymore.
im sick of this. sometimes i just wished that they chase me out. so that i can use it as an excuse to move away.
this suck.