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Collin-singing partner
Yin Lei
Funny gal
Jiang Jin
Gary Cao Ge


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Sunday, September 30, 2007
1:00 PM


must thank me and kelvin going all the way to prepare SOME of the stuffs for you k! but overall, can see that u enjoyed yourself! and most imptantly.. we enjoyed ourselves too! really gd to see old friends and all. wahaha.
kelvin keep on wanting to be the king la. keep on taking pictures with the girls. lol! kay and gus and me all jealous. bloody shit. you watch out. hahaha!
after that was zouk.. AGAIN. the crowd was a bore. sucked. PUI. shldnt even have drank 1st before going. stupid kel's idea. hahaha. i was dizzy for most of the time. kns
lucky those AH GUAS wasnt there. but saw one with damn big chest la. bet she does 200 bench press per hour. lol. the cleveage is like omg. put a big big remote controller in between and it still wont get stuck. tt's disgusting k. haha
talking abt the ah guas. the one who kept tickling kel's cheek blew a flying kiss to me last week after stepping on my leg.
yea yea.. i flew away immediately. never wanna see her/him again. WAH BIANG! i was damn scared la seriously. and kel and nicholas still can laugh.
smth 'fun' happened to johan last night also. shall not elaborate. hahaha. later he paiseh!
lol. that will be your theme song from now on brother. hahaha

now here am i.. slacking on a sunday. one week just passed by like that man. so fast and wad a waste. dammit. mother earth shld jus slow down its revolving speed la.
go superman. do ur job.
and I WANNA SING! when can i sing again. haha. (ALYSSA! HEAR THAT??)
k. crazy guy is gone.
pimples are the suckers of my life.

Thursday, September 27, 2007
2:10 PM

saw this video on youtube. actually have been searching for this song for a long time. it was sang by jordan chan. but written by jay chou. haha. it's not the original video of course because it is the video of qing tian! haha. i think this is only a demo by jay. so the lyrics also anyhow sing la. can see that there's no link in it at all! haha. anw. it's a canto song. so i think for me learning it will be abit hard. but im going to learn anw. dont care.

on a side note. IM ROTTING! another 2 days of leave gone to waste. dammit. haha! but lucky there's mf's chalet coming up. so better dont let it go to waste. haha. so damn tired la. stayed up the whole night ytd to play game. think im going to take a nap soon. slping is such a waste of time la!

but who cares. hahaha!

that's the extend you went to.

Monday, September 24, 2007
1:03 AM

it's getting late and still i cant get to slp. jus finished watching soccer. chelsea played badly. guess they missed Mr Jose. haha
well. what u guys do when u miss someone? ok ok. im not talkin as if im missing someone right now. no no.. but im jus curious the things pple do when they miss someone.
call them? txt them? or just stand aside and watch them silently. so many ways to express ourselves here. but us being humans. sometimes.. it's like the more u miss someone. the more you wont go and look for the someone. no courage or whatever. and when they are gone.. u will be kicking yourself for not grabbing hold of that chance. one of humans' favourite past time i guess.. -to regret-

back to work tmr. but looking fwd to ktv wif collin and besty. it has been a long time since we sing with besty. haha.
ok ok.. will go back to slp.

Friday, September 21, 2007
5:28 PM

go go go go. MOS go. eee why mos mingfen? haha.
im so dead tired man! but still have to meet up with din they all. cos firdaus treating us to seoul garden. before he ord. lol! so i hafta rush out!

chatted up with besty last night and realised how few i actually know abt her and vice versa. we shld catch up more besty! not only sing sing sing! hahaha rmb the assurance huh?

packed by cupboard just now and realised how dumb and silly was i in the past. but i think it's not really gd to post it here. so ya.

off i go!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
9:56 PM

went ktv with collin, joyce and one of her frens ytd at MS. collin was his usual crazy self. haha.. but didn do any recordings. after that. stupid kel kept on asking me to join him and johan at timbre. but he came esplanade to fetch me down la.. so it was ok. cos actually i was so reluctant to go dwn as i was so damn tired.. had over 80+ overseas FFIs to clear ytd la! tt's why.. went there and eat their leftovers. haha! but it was nice still and i kind of like the atmosphere over there.. the girl who was singing there was.. wow! her voice is superb. s'pore have loads of talents too wad! who say it doesn't.
then kelvin very funny.. he say he will be willing to pay 5000bucks to watch me perform. haha and if he open his own pub nxt time.. he will ask me to perform over. 1millionbucks also he is willing to fork out. ya bro. stop dreaming. and we drank and drank. till johan and i were abit high. haha! talking abt our stupid problems and all. and we agreed on many many things.

and besty! thanks for ur concern yo
im feeling much better. can't wait for monday's ktv session. it has been quite a long time huh?

Sunday, September 16, 2007
11:33 AM

just reached from rico's house. didnt sleep the whole night. gaming all the way. till now i still dont feel slpy. but think i shld get some slp later.. cos meeting chelle they all to celebrate her's and jimmy's bday. japanese food for dinner for 2 days. haha.

yea yea.. they are in m'sia now. so it's kinda peaceful. for the time being. im sure they will nag again. it's ok. let them say wad they want then.
alright.. im gone.

was I even there?
i really wonder.
was i even a truth?

1:35 AM

im sorry amelia.. for spoiling ur 2nd yr old birthday. jiu jiu will make up for it ok?
im feeling it now. everything that is bad. im feeling it.
fuck. no one knows exactly how im feeling.. but yet they got to say smth abt it. why?!
tt's why i didn wanna tell my family anything. i didnt wanna lie either. but since u all kept asking abt it.. i told you all. i told u all the truth. but wad i got was words of criticism. in full front of everyone. saying that im useless.. and wadever i do.. i cant succeed. tt's why i drove her away.
UH HUH! U GUYS ARE DAMN RIGHT! you all got it spot on. everything tt had happened. it's my fucking fault alright? are u guys happy abt it? i can see the smiles on some of ur faces! what's wrong with all of you all? did i do anything to deserve all this shit? u think im feeling good abt wad happened? NO!
here i wanna tell u all something and communicate properly for once.. but this is wad i got.
im sorry for jus walking out of the restaurant and not returning home. but im alrdy at limits. im serious.
pls.. someone stop all this nonsense. it's draining me.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
9:07 PM

i've lost a place in your heart.
but does it mean a shit? to you? to anyone?

7:50 PM


there's so much i wanna say. but it seems as though the moment u appear.. im at loss for words.
i guess thats it. it's too tiring.
all these while im actually just fighting against myself. not with or for anything else. im asking myself whether if everything is worth it.
till now.. i still dont know and i still dont understand. after all these.. there maybe some that hate me. but i can only say.. im sorry.
recovery period is officially over.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
10:02 PM

my family kept asking about her.my dajie asked me to invite her for amelia's 2nd yr old birthday. i was stuck.
i didnt know how to explain to them. you all might say it's quite an easy thing to do what. "just tell them you had broke up."
but it's not easy. i admit.. i don't want them to think that i had such a short r/s. so i lied.
i hate the feeling.. but i lied.

i was such a fool.

8:31 PM

i dreamt of you.
and i woke up in the middle of the night. and heard one of your favourite songs playing on the radio.

i don't wanna spend these nights anymore.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
7:07 PM

whoever the one is tagging my board over there. pls stop the nonsense. it's not as though im going to care whatever shit you're going to say or u had said. but i jus find you fuckin irritating u hear that? well. wad u say might be true to a certain extent.. but this is MY problem. if you are trying to help. thanks. but ur help stops here. please. stop making everything worse

met minhui and her bf at cine. it's really good to see you again! like meet-the-parents la.. haha..and also glad that you're doing fine. (:
all the best ok?!
this few days have been boring.. as usual. it's just so routined and so uninteresting.
maybe it's good. then i wont need to crack my brain on what to do and stuffs.. and i seriously need money. any part time jobs pple?!

OH YA! this friday! back to zouk! BACK TO WHERE WE BELONG ON WEEKENDS!! hahaha.. CMON' KELVIN LIM! and gang. lol! and also a farewell for kay ba.. since he's going to enlist on sat!! wooo..
field camps..
route march...

anw.. went ktv with collin last night. his friends had actually wanted to join us. but in the end.. one by one didnt turn up. so left only the 2 of us. but we still can enjoy! singing buddies what. haha. but it's almost like a recording session. we record almost every song that we sang. lol.
shall post them up as soon as he convert them.
i love singing. seriously. and i bet collin does too. wahaha

傻瓜 我们都一样
被爱情伤了又伤 相信这个他不一样
傻瓜 我们都一样
受了伤却不投降 相信付出会有代价

Sunday, September 09, 2007
10:11 PM

this weekend has been kind of dull. well. this few weeks had been really dull actually.
jus came home from dinner and movie with kel and johan. watched "I know who killed me"
wasnt that bad. it got me thinking. and surprisingly.. kel too. and we bth agree that after watching the show.. it got us depressed!! hahahha. dunno why also.
spent the sat night at rico's house watching england match. where england finally won convincingly. haha. gd for them.
the old days will be back again rico.. get prepared for it. u know wad i mean. haha

im still feeling it.
and it sucks. it's still all over my head.

Saturday, September 08, 2007
9:34 AM

lies. how many times had i encounter lies? uncountable. white lies.. true lies.
but ytd. was the lie which hurt me the most. but everything doesnt matter a shit anymore.
i really dont understand.. why u gotta go to the extend to lie to me.
STOP giving me excuses that you dont wanna hurt me further.
STOP telling me things that u dont think there's a need to explain anything to me.
and you shld have started to say wad u wanna say earlier.
you've lost interest in me. isnt that gd?
all the lies.. all the arguments will just vanish into thin air. but does all that even mean a thing now? FUCK NO! nvm abt that. i lied too.
i didnt go home last night. u think i felt gd telling u what i said? no.
it hurts. fucking hurts.
for once.. i had thought that im going to make things right this time round.. i thought.. u will be the one. the solution.
but heck it. it turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes i'd made.
but im not blaming anyone. i made this move.. i take the responsibility for everything that had happened till now.
i dont understand all the fucking things that are going on between us. but why..? why u gotta do this to me?

and when i said wad i said ytd. it doesnt mean that i wont be here for u anymore. it's jus that.. let's make it limited.
and i know u can move on easily. just get out of my circle. u will feel better.
some said that.. in a r/s. ur emotions ur everything.. there will be ups and dwns. like a roller coaster ride. but for my ride.. it jus kept going down.. going into emptiness.. into the lost. into somewhere that felt like hell. fuck this ride.
fuck everything that had happened.
fuck my life.
im gone

Thursday, September 06, 2007
7:38 PM

i can' t think of anything to blog. argh.
seriously it's so boring. met up with Kay at causeway pt for dinner ytd. haha. he's going tekong soon. and aiming to be officer!! gd for u. u can help me shun bian fufill wad i wanna acheive in NS.
im a bloody pes C soldier. (:

tried to sew my formation badge onto my no. 4 jus now. sewing is so difficult pls. i kept on poking my own fingers. haha! but in the end .. i stil gt my job done! who says sewing is a girl's thing?
had a long chat with michelle on the phone last night. haha!
can die talking to her. talkin abt the old times just makes us laughed like crazy! haha.
thanks for listening to me too my dear friend.

it all came down to the negatives.
there's no turning back of time.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
7:44 PM

someone. pls bring jacky back.

Monday, September 03, 2007
1:48 PM

why did things turned out this way? and i meant everything.
i can only wait.

Sunday, September 02, 2007
1:22 PM

gosh. im soooo bored. and it's raining again.
n im broke. wad a bad combination.
suppose to meet kel for lunch.. but was lazy la.. furthermore he gt a match later on. so forget it.
i rather stay at home and rot than go out jus for awhile only.
guess where am i going tmr?
JURONG BIRDPARK! hahaha. *whistles*
with my campmates. lol. family day wad. haha!
thinks its gonna be fun. all the crapping and stuffs. haha

i think i still need u in my life girl.

11:05 AM

will you ever understand how i feel? will you ever know?
when u told me u are going clubbing with him and his friends. i knew that u will say that you all are jus friends. and nth more than that... but please..
one girl clubbin with a bunch of guys..
please tell me how not to be worried and feel uneasy.
i didnt understand why u had to do this... seriously?
im hurting girl.. can u see it?

Saturday, September 01, 2007
5:31 PM

"Love is like a game of tug-of-war. If both party doesn't even bother to put in efforts, it would just be boring. If one party pulled it too hard, it will just end faster. Only when both parties are willing to commit towards the point of contention, then will true love blossoms."

12:04 PM

im still feeling the loss.i wanna get it over and done with.
so that i can start again.
fuck you jacky. argh.

met up with juli and kel last night. jul's going paris for 4 mths for an exchange program. sounds fun! and kel kept asking her to treat us.. and in the end.. we ended up at a chicken stall near paradiz. IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE GOOD!
BUT..it's not up to our standard. im sry guys for introducing such a lousy place. haha. but nvm!
we had a road trip. lol. all the way to pasir panjang and back to geylang. and had dou jiang.
thanks juls! for the treat again. hope u will have lots of fun over there and take care!

如果你也听说 有没有想过我
想普通交朋友 还是你依然会心疼我
好多好多的话想对你说 悬着一颗心没着落
如果你也听说 会不会相信我
对流言会附和 还是你知道我还是我