Thursday, December 21, 2006
9:06 PM
watched PSS awhile ago. it was then i realised
hmm. having a good voice alone is not enough. wad really counts nowadays is image and stage presence.
hard hard hard..
it has been cold. take care pple!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
9:12 PM
Finally! a rare post!
life's hass been great so far. without any troubles..
celerbrated kelvin's birthday on fri. went to wala wif our usual gang and plus his army mates.
had a gd time drinking, playing games and crapping ard. we even asked the liveband to sing a birthday song for him! cool huh
after that went to watch movie. eragon. my god. it was so bored that most of us fell aslp!
these few days. many pple haf been telling that they haf probs in their r/s and asked me wad to do. mostly girls thou. in these cases, i can normally tell and give them solutions to help them out of the mess. but strangely.. when it happens to me, i can't solve and do anything! haha. strange huh? i dunno whether it says anything.
i wanna learn the guitar and keyboard and form a band!!!
anyone? haha
long long way to go thou.
Monday, December 04, 2006
12:54 PM
standard chartered 2006
tiring! partnered wif peiyi this yr. haha. cos lynnest can't make it last min. heard she's sick. take care!
there's really a need for me to save money for the upcoming events.
this sat, partying at sentosa.
after that.. ubin trip.. then. xmas dinner. gotta buy present. cos we are playing this angel-mortal game. haha. wonder who got me.
ok.. this is going to be realy short cos im still damn tired. going to slp.